If you are then you need to look at your salon set up. Are you the busiest person in the salon? That is so dangerous because the passion that is keeping your salon moving will undoubtedly lose its drive and your business will start to decline. I have seen this a hundred times before with salon owners that come to me for help.
It’s the worst because you don’t know it’s happening, it’s slow and hidden, but before long you will struggle to pay bills on time, start borrowing money to stay ahead of the game, hoping that a busy week will come. It never does!
That’s why 60% of salon owners close their doors and walk away, it’s so soul destroying.
Don’t let your salon be the next statistic.
But you can change this now, today………….
If you could learn to attract high paying clients to your salon, money will come in.
If you could get these clients to fall in love with your salon and your staff and not you, then that would ease the pressure on you.
If you could get your current clients to spend more then that would help you pay back some of that borrowing.
Want to know what I do?
I help salon owners grow their salons faster by concentrating on only the 3 ways to get any business making money and being strong.
I believe that there is only 3 ways to grow any salon:
✅Get more bums on seats (more clients)
✅Get bums on seats to visit more often (get the clients to return faster using their data base)
✅Get bums on seats to spend more (the only way to doing that is increase the customer service value)
For the last 3 years I’ve been a lifestyle salon coach and have taught hundreds of salon owners all around the world how to use a simple system to get their salons busy.
The world has changed and you need to change too or you will be left behind.
I want to show you the 9 simple steps that are working in salons all around the world as we speak today, to make them THE SALON OF CHOICE FOR GOOD PAYING CLIENTS.
Right now you have the power that I had to convert my salon into one of the highest earning salons in my town. You just need to register and turn up and make a decision.
This workshop is my life work of how I developed 9 simple steps that took me from a War Zone salon owner to a Lifestyle salon owner living in a beach house next to the Pacific Ocean. You too have the opportunity I had by joining us at Lifestyle Salon Coaching and implementing these 9 simple steps in your salon.
You will have the same power and the same knowledge that I had all those years ago, but without wasting time because they’ve been tried and tested.
New times are ahead and you can either embrace the change or you will be left behind,
Are you ready to learn the new way to grow your salon?
Let’s do this………
See you there for the chance to join the fastest growing Lifestyle Salon Coach in Australia.
Monday 19th March 2018 at 7:00am (AEDT)
Click here to secure your place http://bit.ly/2yVgizU