

Owning a business is NOT about working your ass off for the sake of trying to squeeze out a living. It is also NOT about making tons of money at the expense of losing tons of life.

It’s about maximising life, bettering your life and others on the way. So how can you charge more for your services and more bang for your buck? The staff MUST believe in your salon and want every client to leave with the best experience ever.

Your salon has a culture.

Believe it or not your salon has a culture, a group of people brought together around a common set of values and beliefs. Its not your services and products that bind your staff together, it not size and might that makes a salon strong, it’s the culture, the strong sense of beliefs and values that hold everyone together.

When employees belong to the right salon it will guarantee your salons success. They will be working hard for you and for the salon. Clients will see this and feel this as soon as they arrive through your doors. This is when they will choose to belong to your journey or realise you have empty promises.

  • Treat clients like they are your staff and staff like they are your clients
  • Exceed clients expectations
  • Have a great complaint policy in place
  • Employ happy staff (people servers)
  • Set up a client journey and role play this with your staff
  • Repeat what works, and change what is broken
  • Always look for a better way to do it.

Price is what you pay, Value is what you get.

If you offer your clients more value than they think they are paying they will feel that they are getting good value for money. I haven’t even talked a cost value yet. Because it doesn’t matter, all that matters is the perceived value to the client.

If your clients are going to be happy with paying for your services and products, they must feel that the experience they receive is greater than the cost is to them.

The secret to having a successful business is to know what your clients want and deliver it. Focus on clear, specific, and detailed solutions that solve your client’s problems. Clients that need a hair cut could get this done down the road at a $10 hair salon, or a client that needs a facial could get this done much cheaper than you charge. So why do so many clients pay different prices? Because they are getting far more than a haircut or a facial, it goes much deeper, on a financial, emotional, physical and spiritual level.

  • They are connecting with people they like. And people always like to buy from people they like.
  • They believe your story
  • They like your salon culture
  • They want to feel special
  • They work hard and your salon is down time for them
  • Going to your salon is an enjoyable experience
  • Its relaxing and calming
  • They feel younger
  • They are more confident

This is so much more than just a haircut or a facial don’t you think?

Create a great experience and your clients will pay a premium for this.

What’s the point of running a business if you cannot earn a darn good living from it, the problem is, too many salon owners just think about getting as many clients through the door as possible.

Why not work on the clients you have? Look at how you can offer them a better experience in your salon, and charge a premium for this service.

Work smarter and leave the harder to others

Richard McCabe  iSalon coach

Lets change the destination of your salon 🙂