
How to attract the best clients

A lifestyle salon coach, and welcome to how to attract the best clients training. I don’t know about you, but for me, when I started my salon, getting clients was really easy to start with. And then it dried up.

So we’re talking about like, now, if you’re growing your business, you obviously need to get more people in the door to fill the staff members as you grow. And I presume if you’re being successful, and you’re having more staff members, you are going to need clients pretty fast. And this is one of the strategies that will show you. But let’s dive in and talk about how to attract the best clients.

I remember, it wasn’t that long ago, where we were sitting somewhere. And they were saying to me that they didn’t care about what clients they’ve got. They just wanted plants with a heartbeat. That’s all. What we’re going to cover today is for you to not have that attitude for not have the attitude of, well, I don’t care what client walks through the door. I mean, that’s how it was many years ago, well, now we’ve moved forward, and we can sort of pinpoint what type of clients we’ve got, what type of clients we work best with, who loves us who we love doing. And then we can target them.

Now we have the capability. And we’ll go through that right now. So we’re going to cover right now is, who is your ideal client? What are you really good at? What can you do? Well, why should they choose you. And these are the most important things right now that you can get down on a piece of paper, because that’s where you’re going to start as you move yourself forward.

But let’s start right back at the beginning and talk about this guy here. I was sitting in a room and he says to me, it was a marketing conference that I was holding in Australia. And I said to him, hey, what type of clients do you want, and he said, okay, as long as we got a heartbeat, then that’s all I’m after.

Now we’re going to target these people. Because, for example, if that’s you, by the way, then take this advice, he’s since closed down his business six months later from that conversation, he didn’t last, maybe because he was not being able to target the ideal client. So here’s an example. That if you’re going to put some posts out there to attract clients, and your clients, you’re gonna say, are anywhere between one years old and 99. And we’re gonna write mixture in between, which is what you first say, without thinking about marketing.

Now, I’m not gonna pop it, you’re here, when I’m trying to get through really more than anything else is that you got to have your core clients. For me, my core clients between the age of 40 and 60, that were laid the did lunch, husbands had their own businesses. That was the majority, I did outside that, of course, I did the older lady and the young people and the newborns and everyone else in between. But the majority of what we did well, was that type of client.

Now, one of the beginning, when you opened your salon, you might have found that you got busy really quickly, you see if you’re good at what you do, people will tell people will tell people tell people and referrals will grow and grow and grow. But then eventually, they run out because they only have a network of people that they can tell. And once they’ve told everyone about you, there’s no one else for them to tell. So that dies, then you don’t know someone else’s hair and they tell a few people. So you’ve got to be able to get fresh blood that people that don’t know you as yet people that weren’t referred to you into your salon to start that referral process again. So it’s one of the things that when you start really well there, you flatline after using three, four or five years, it’s because you ran out of people in your town that know you exist.

So your marketing, it has to be really important to make sure you get it right. So who is your ideal client, you hear we get knocked about all the time using niche and all that sort of thing. But what we want to do is just figure out something really, really simple. It’s like, Who, who do you do?

Well, you know, like, are you think about all the clients you do your long hair specialists or curly hair specialist have blonde hair specialist, or dark hair specialist? Do you like covering gray hair? Do you like coloring? Do you like cutting? What is it that you do? Who’s your dream client. And if you don’t know, one of the best advice I can give you is go into your database right now and pull out your top 30 spending clients. And that will give you an insight of what you actually do well, and then your next job after that is you’re going to find them.

Sometimes they walk past you’re going to spend some of your time energy and effort and money on window displays. Or maybe sometimes you’re going to have to go to them and do old school leaflets. Maybe you find they’re going to be on Google and they search for you. Maybe you think they’re going to be on LinkedIn and you know all the social media places there is going to be out there are the people that you want.

Where are they? So where are you spending all your time? And what are your results? You see to me if all my clients are on Instagram and Facebook, why would I be on Tik Tok before my clients on Tik Tok? Why am I doing spending on Instagram? And they say you should be everywhere but I Don’t hate you, but I don’t have the time of day to market every single place. It’s out of the moment. You know, you got to figure out, you know, who are the clients you’re trying to attract? I’m gonna dive into that shortly.

First of all, I think the best way to start this conversation is once you know who they are, once you know where they are, then you got to figure out like, why did they leave other salons? I set up a system in my salon that I built a client consultation, if you were my group, you’d have access to this, where they get to mention why they left there with the salon. And that’s really important. So let’s think about it. Let’s make a little list.

Write down who your ideal clients are. What’s their problem? So why did they leave the salon? And why do you think you’re the best person to fix it? Is example so start us off.

So let’s say my ideal client to myself was someone who’s 40 to 60 usually have gray hair usually have a colored and usually like a nice cut. Yep, the lads come every five weeks. And they really do like to be done on time. That’s what I’d say my ideal client would be professional ladies, one look good classical work. What’s their problem was some people make the weight is one of the issues. Some people don’t cover gray. First time which is really issued to them.

Some people are doing to many young people, which they don’t want to be the southern front of young people. Or they don’t I mean someone full of old people. Yep, the problem might be the fact is that the color fades it might be an issue the cut doesn’t last. It might be the cut is old fashioned. They wants of the modern, they want something that’s classical that no one can do quite well so you make a big list of their problems and then you go Why do you fix it? Like for me it’s quite simple.

You know, one of the one of the posts and strategies that we use in our salon was the if you came to have your hair done by us you would not just make her unhappy is if you can’t have a forehead tint in my salon and you had short hair if you had any residue or tint on your face, it was free of charge. We decided the clients that came to us had their head and they went out to lunch the last thing they wanted was a big stain around their forehead. That’s one of the posts that we used to post out there you when you come to us no more no better color today. Pretty simple.

So we’re gonna figure out is like these people, which we’ll talk in a second the ideal clients, what’s their problem? And why are you going to fix it? In other words, how can you fix it and why are you so good at it? This gives you an insight what are the new clients looking for in a salon like yours? You see if I was the curly hair expert I want to show posts of curly hair. I see so many people out there show me the back of someone’s head before when Afters blonde highlights. So it looks like you’re the blonde highlights expert and if you’re not stop posting them like that ,it really is quite boring. You see the reality is if a client is already added to the sample, there’s a really good chance I’m just color these in for a second. This is what tends to happen with most good quality people is terrible. It’s even though his traffic lights Hey, green at the bottom. Of course, that’s and then red at the top. You see most people you got to imagine when you’re looking for new clients.

The green is only 3% they will come today if you give them a big enough discount. The Amber’s makes up 67% They don’t leave a salad to the fan a new one. And then the red which is 30% These are the diehard clients that you have and other some other salon owners have. And they’re not going anywhere. So the reality is we want to target these people, the 67% that leave quick. They don’t get bribed by the people fast. But they don’t come to a salon until they found a salon so they might be having issues right now. It could be you in your salon right now. There’s ways to lose clients or other salon owners Rachel’s clients keep yours. The reality is, is that they’re looking for posts for someone to call home and if you know what they’re looking for, then that’s what you would post.

So as we go back to this section here, once you know who they are, and you know their problem. So for example, they’ve got blonde hair they were to sell on they have Belliard. The color fades a lot the hair is really quite damaged or trying to grow for their wedding. Now you know that issue? You start posting about those  topics. And that is when they see you. And once they see you, they’re going to keep looking at your posts until the day they leave that salon, they’re going to book an appointment at your salon because they know that you’re the one, they don’t leave salons willy nilly super fast, they want to call us on a home for a few years.

So that’s why we target these people and make sense. So for us clients want a great experience. And when we say that, it means that if I came into a salon, that promise me something, it better deliver on what it says.

Let’s just talk about this person here. Let’s say you got a new client come in your salon, and it’s not the right person, you just got them in the door, they’re going to come into your salon around here, they’re gonna go, hey, you know, I’m really high, I walk in the door, I booked an appointment, I’m dead excited. And then I move across and I’ve come in what happens, then you’re going to pitch this, let’s say we’re here, as they’ve booked an appointment, they’re gonna be pretty excited. The fact is that they’re walking into your salon. What do you think happens next, as they walk into your salon? Do you think they’re going to get the best experience? Because they already think there’s going to be so brilliant anyway? Or do you think it might be a little bit low, and they might end up somewhere down here? And go, Oh, it wasn’t as good as I thought? Or do you think you’re absolutely brilliant, and you’re gonna be up here and be fantastic. And then of course, the consultation, it better be exactly what they want, and that everyone has that perception. Because there’s a really good chance it could actually be down here. Really, it could be further one down, your job is to make sure if you get the right client in the door, the people that you’re meant to serve, you get to treat them perfectly well, you can’t put fake on forever.

You know, there’s no point is like, for example, someone who today won an award best customer service award in their area. And I said to them, you better be able to deliver on that. It’s okay wouldn’t award but you’ve got to be able to deliver on that service. If I came to you. And you said to me that you run on time with a blonde hair experts will make your hair look really quite good. You’re gonna have to deliver on that with your consultation, how you greet me how you do the cut, blow dried color toner, treatment, and then how you say goodbye and welcome me back in again, with retail products, you better treat me well, if not, my journey with you is going to be like this. And I’m going to feel I don’t know whether I’m going to come back. That’s why it’s always best to know who you’re trying to attract and what they want. And just the ones you’re good at, you’re probably already doing in the salon just attract the right people that love you.

The price you charge has to be more than the value, nobody leaves on price. So picture this, I’ve done color drawings for you there as long as you give more than you charge no matter how much you charge at all. You could charge an absolute fortune here if you really wanted to. But the values got to feel like it’s better. If it’s the other way around. If you say you think is more expensive than what they got, then they won’t come back and leave you. So think about that. When you do your marketing.

When you’re trying to attract people putting the offers out there, make sure you give them great value through them. So why should I choose you? Me, I was a color expert and I was the curly hair expert. Everyone knew I was good at classical work. I’m not just about me. I’m about the salon. So that’s how we grew and that’s how we got back there busy really fast. What about you? What are you good at? If you said to me Belliard and I walked through that door you need to be the expert in Balayage. You need to know how to look after me what my problems are how to fix my problems. I just want to go here’s my hair make me look great. And you do your thing. You know, that’s what really needs to happen.

How we help our clients, you see the key here is this. It’s what post to post How do you know exactly what clients are looking for? Because that’s the key. If you’ve got people right now, leaving salons, it’s like 24% of the whole population leaving their salons every year, including yourself.

There’s a hell of a lot of clients floating around looking for new salons and if you can know what they’re looking for, but we know and teach our clients exactly like how do we know what they search Google for, we can help you with that, how to write the best post, we can help you with that. So we get to put that glue together. Our job is to build a bridge that goes across here to your salon. So these people can all walk towards your salon know full well that your salon is the way to go look over to lemons, doesn’t it lemons, lemons. And then of course you’re happy. Because you can fix their problem. The client is also happy because they’ve found a salon, that fixes their problems. But that’s just one thing in a cog. You’ve got to imagine your salon. That’s you in the middle there. That’s you salon owner. And we believe especially at the moment that salon owners should be making about 30% growth a year. And if you’re not doing 30% growth at the moment, then you This is very important.

So we believe trying to find clients should be 10% of your growth. So if you’re roughly doing let’s say 100 people a week You should be looking at doing 110 A week in September saying, well, if at all if your business up by 10%. But once you find clients, you got to do something a bit different in today’s world, you got to make sure you can keep them. And retention, as we know, is a really sad, yeah, 76% of clients, which means 24% of your clients will be leaving you this year.

So you’ve got to make sure you can pull them back a strategy right now, which means if clients have also come in, let’s say, let’s change that, for example, to 10 point, let’s say 10.2 weeks is awfully the gap between appointments, if we can pull that took 9.8, which is just 10% shorter, we can get you attempt to increase in your business. So we now at the moment, have got your 20% growth in your business by getting your clients to come back to fill quiet space, you would have seen how I’ve done this on a previous training.

And then the third cog, as it goes live your business to be successful is you’ve got to be able to do two things, you’ve got to be able to build an experience. That helps you lift your average bill by 10%. So when you attract that white client, so when you think about the journey of this, let’s get a nice green one, you want it so a client comes in the door, they’ve got to be treated well, they’ve got to go into here, then you’ve got to make sure to give an experience and then they become a client. Yep. And then we’ve got to get another client in the door, we’ve got to make sure the comeback, treat them really well. And then they become a client. Then we’ve got to find the client, make sure the comeback trading really well. And then from a client, you get the gist.

So that’s that’s the key to keep growing your business. There’s three killer key elements that made this happen. If we can get this average bill up by 10%. We know that we can give you this average bill, we can give you a 30% increase in your business. This is what we do. I mean with the sort of let me just clean this up for a second just give you a bit of an idea. So got some room.

How we do this is quite simple. We have lots of modules, we have three modules and attraction, three modules to get the clients to spend more three modules to make sure the clients come back. This is a system we built many, many years ago in my salon, and we nation now share it with clients around the world, they’ll have a phenomenal success right now. So that is what you’ve just been taught is a few imagine.

Let’s change this to read. If this is our first module, we’ve just taught you a very snippet amount on this. And of course, we still have the rest of this module. This module and this module to go just on making sure you get the right clients in the door. That’s how important this is. So just want to finish up with like, to your success.

Let me know if this has been helpful. We started off right back at the beginning You should now know we’ve got to find out who we are looking for. What do they need? Why you? Yep. And then your job is to find them. Because you have the fix and that is important on your business. Right now. Most of you guys hopefully one day I did this video and you will have a nice wall on the back and some new windows to look at but until then, to success bye for now.

Case Study


Averaging 90 new high-paying clients a month!

After a coaching session with one of my clients, she took the idea to find out what her ideal clients are looking for in a new salon. She then asked all new clients for the next few months where they found her salon online and Google came out way in front.

Using our content strategy she went about doing Google ads with keywords that she thought new clients wanted in a salon and she was amazed at the response!

She now averages 90 new clients a month, with an average bill of over £70 month-in month-out.

How satisfying knowing you can attract new clients whenever you want?

What would 90 new clients a month mean to you?