
“Do not listen with the intent to reply, listen with the intent to understand.”

By Nicole McDonell – Coach/Mentor iSalon Coaching

Communication with your team is one of the most important abilities of being a great leader in your Salon. A lack of communication skills has the potential to harm relationships with your team and you will be ineffective in understanding and leading your team. Let’s face it; everyone see’s reality differently and can interpret the same words very differently. Your job is to really work out exactly what they are trying to say and why.

Communication with your team is the key to understanding and teaching your team. Only when you learn how to truly communicate effectively will you be able to understand and lead your team to profits. I have included some tips and trick below to help you start communicating better with your team.

One of the most basic and important things to do in all conversations with your team members is to pause before replying. (A short pause of about 2-5 seconds). When you pause, you avoid the possibility of interrupting the team member if they are just taking a breath. Plus, it shows your team member that you are listening to them and processing what they have said by not jumping in with your own comments and opinions. It also ensures that you actually hear the speaker better. You will really understand what they are really saying with greater clarity.

You also want to ask for clarification, “What do you mean?”. Then pause and wait…. The team member will then answer back with a lot more detail. You can also repeat back the team member’s words in your own words. This ensures you are both on the same page. “Let me see if I understand you.” What you are saying is? This shows that you are genuinely paying attention and making every effort to understand what is trying to be said or feelings explained.

Listening builds trust. The more you listen to your team the more they will trust and believe in you.

When you suspect, someone is not telling you the truth be direct and ask the million-dollar question and then be silent. It’s when that awkward silence happens it forces the other person to fill the silence. Often it is then that you will get the actual truth. I have used this tactic in many meeting and it is always a success. I have got a few unexpected answers but it really does save time by helping you get to the real truth quicker.

Want to know more on how to lead your team to profits with “The Million Dollar Salon Manager”?

Check out my latest workshop:
At the end of the video I also talk about the options for joining the “Ultimate Salon Manager!”

And if you want to accelerate your teams untapped potential and achieve success quicker jump in and join us straight away, the link is here: