
NEVER chase a client again.

Yes, I’m serious.

Over the next few days I’m going to share with you why your salon might not be doing as well as it could and the fault lies with you. ☹️ Sorry

I understand that as a salon owner you need clients. 

You have bills to pay….wages to meet.
And yes, clients are the lifeblood of your business.

But that does not mean you should get them by any means possible.

Chasing clients will kill your business — fast.
If clients are mice 🐭 then you have to decide if you want to be the cheese 🧀 or the cat 😼. Which one are you?

 Chasing kills respect

As salon owners, we think our job is to attract clients any way we can.

And for most of you, you chase them everywhere, with $1 foils, free colours, free gift vouchers, discounts here, money off there. Whatever it takes to get them in the salon.

The problem with that kind of Attraction is it stinks of desperation.

Let me change the subject for a moment…

🤔 Would you want to date/marry someone who is chasing you?

🤔 Or, someone who seems way too available?

🤔  Or, someone who is begging for your attention?

The simple answer is NO!

Well, the same rules apply in business.
No one wants to work with someone who appears to be desperate.
For starters, it undermines your credibility.
If you are so good at what you do, why are you begging for work?

Clients don’t like it.✅ Staff don’t like it.

✅ They lose respect for you.

✅ They lose respect for your value.

When you chase clients – especially if you’re offering them freebies and/or reducing your prices – you put yourself in a negative position before you’ve even started.You need to be more like the cheese, 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 and that means positioning your salon as ‘the go to salon’

You as the expert!

Then you can stop chasing. 

And start cashing in as clients come to you.

Chasing is a recipe for crushing salon morale

A client that you had to chase will cost you more than respect and money.
They’ll cost you tons of your valuable time and effort.
They’ll question everything. Your expertise. Your price. Your suggestions.

They’ll fight you every step of the way because they don’t trust you, and that’s a recipe for absolute disaster.

It is very difficult to get results for a client who doesn’t trust and respect you.

The vicious circle will be complete. You beg. The client never really trusts you (or believed in your authority). The results suffer.

The client then walks away leaving you with a bit of money but no rebooks or long-term client loyalty.

Have you ever noticed that clients that come to you through a special offer or discount want the world for nothing?

✅They always complain.

✅They bring down the mood in the salon.

✅They bring you down.

All the good work you have done to grow your salon can be destroyed in an instant with clients like this.

You need to be more like the cheese, and that means positioning your salon as ‘the go to salon’

You as the expert!

Then you can stop chasing.

 And start cashing in as clients come to you.

Chasing takes you away from your current clients

Do you know how many hours it takes create offers and posts to get clients in the door?

Then to respond to those clients, sending them discounts and vouchers. Answering the questions, and there’s always questions with these clients. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Because while you’re chasing down new clients, you’re not working on providing added value for your current clients. The kind of value that makes them want to stick around.

And here’s a little secret: clients who stick around are the happiest and most profitable to your salon. 💰💰💰💰💰

It’s a lot easier and cheaper to keep a client than to land a new one.

But if you’re not providing anything new, anything of value, they’ll move on, I can guarantee it.

And for every client you lose, you have to get find 2-3 to replace them, especially if you’re discounting your prices.


So how do you get clients without chasing?

You need to get them to come to you.
And it’s easier than you think.
You have something of value to offer (and if you don’t, you might want to question why a client should choose your salon in the first place)

Figure out what is unique to your business.👉 Your core story


👉 Write it down.
👉 Record it.
👉 Blog it.
👉 Get it on video.
👉 Get it out there.


 Where everyone can see it.

 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
You need to be more like the cheese, and that means positioning your salon as ‘the go to salon’You as the expert!

Then you can stop chasing.

And start cashing in as clients come to you.

It’s easier than you think. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

You’ll be pleased to know I am doing a free online seminar on January 29th 2018 at 7:00 am AEDT.

I’ll be showing you the ‘tips and tricks’ that made my salon so successful. I will show you how to attract clients (because we all know that your ads are no longer working), how to systemise your salon and the ‘6 musts for creating a lifestyle salon’.

I would love to see you there and show how to grow your salon the new way.

Click here and secure your place now.

Lifestyle Salon Coach