
Every day, we are subjected to literally thousands of marketing messages and promises – in your email, your Facebook newsfeed, plastered on billboards, on the radio, on TV and in your letterbox. Everyone’s trying to get their message through. So how can your marketing messages cut through all this noise?

In this cluttered marketing environment, taking an ad-hoc approach, or thinking that a single campaign is going to get you instant amazing results, is kamikaze marketing: it can be a waste of time and money.


There’s no ‘magic bullet’ in terms of marketing success for salon owners.

However there is a bulletproof strategy that works: build and maintain marketing momentum.




If people see your name and message once, they’re likely to forget about it. But if they see it many times, across multiple channels, they’re more likely to start remembering you.

Initially they’ll remember your brand, then, as your momentum picks up, they’ll start understanding what your brand does, and the benefits you’re going to bring them.

It’s like a train gathering speed and collecting passengers along the way.

Marketing Mastery… this is where you should focus not only on ‘how’ to post to get you more clients, but also on making sure you have accountability systems to track that those posts and adverts get done correctly and consistently, which will maximize your salon growth.

A marketing plan is basically a way to layout (to plan) the marketing for your salon. It covers everything from information about your target market to specific step-by-step processes you will use to build certain marketing systems and strategies.  A marketing plan serves as a map to help you and your team get to the destination you’ve chosen for your salon.


Why Is A Marketing Plan Important?


Frankly, marketing is one of the single most important places you can focus your attention in your salon.


Marketing equals money, when it is done right, and most salon owners don’t put nearly enough attention on their marketing planning process, or on their marketing.


That means that creating a solid marketing plan that can help guide you throughout the year, and help you stay focused on building the systems you determined would support your salon growth the way you want it to go.


It is one of the best ways to assure your success.


I believe this step is SO important I dedicate a whole module teaching my private clients how to build new habits, marketing habits that start to attract high paying clients forever.


If you do nothing, you are leaving your future to chance, I say take control and start marketing like a master.



Lifestyle Salon Coach


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your salon business:


You can book a strategy success session chat with me here:


or check out my next FREE workshop here


or join my FREE Facebook page for lifestyle salon owners


Either way lets start getting your salon out of the War Zone.