
Who are you trying to attract to your salon?

One of the biggest mistakes I see salon owners make is that they try to attract the wrong client to their salons. This alone keeps them in the war zone and they never even see it coming.

You have opened your salon with a set price that you want to charge the client. You are either high end, middle or low end.

Firstly you need to know which one best suits you and how you work.

In the hair and beauty service we charge for appointment slots. We charge time for money, that’s all.


Let me explain:



Fast, cheap, and good…pick (2) words to live by.


The problem I see is that salon owners want to offer high end service but at a low price, they take too long on their services.

Some salon owners want to charge high end for their salon but offer mediocre or poor service.

The salons that get this combination right make money.

A quick cutting only salon can make as much per hour as one of the big expensive fancy salons. They are just quick, and do more a day. But the end result (money in the till) is the same.

Think about it this way.

If you shop at Aldi you get a certain service, if you shop at Marks & Spencers you get another, if you shop at Coles another. They all make money, but you pay for what you get.

No frills you want cheap and fast.

Want more frills you move up a level.

So my big question to you is this:

Are you aiming at the right clients?

Are you giving them exactly what they should be getting?

Do you need help with this?

Richard Lifestyle Salon Coach


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your salon business:


You can book a strategy success session chat with me here:


or check out my next FREE workshop here


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Either way lets start getting your salon out of the war zone.